
Panels adds a “Credits” item to the Playdate system menu. Selecting this item displays a panel with a scrolling list of credits for your game.

To define your game credits, assign a table to the Panels.credits property before calling start() in your main.lua.

Table of contents


Panels.credits = {
    autoScroll = true,
    hideStandardHeader = true,

    lines = {
        { image = 'logo.png'},
        { text = 'Based on a true story' , spacing = 16 },
        { text = 'by *James Nasium*' },



default: Panels.TextAlignment.CENTER

Set the default text alignment for all lines.


  • Panels.TextAlignment.LEFT
  • Panels.TextAlignment.CENTER
  • Panels.TextAlignment.RIGHT



Set the default font for all lines of text in the credits.


default: false

When set to true, the credits will scroll automatically (if they are long enough to scroll). Autoscrolling will pause when the user manually scrolls, then resume a short time after manual interaction stops.


default: false

The standard menu header says “Credits” in bold system text.

Set this property to true to hide the standard header. Useful if you want to display a logo or other image as the first line of your credits.


default: nil

A list of all the lines (text and images) that should appear in your credits pane. Each line is a table made up of the properties listed below.

Line Properties


default: nil

The text to display on this line.

Each line should list either an image or text, not both.


default: nil

Set the font for an individual line of text (overriding the font setting for the entire Credits screen).


default: nil

The path to an image to display on this line. The path here should be relative to the folder specified in the imageFolder setting.

Each line should list either an image or text, not both.


default: 0

The amount of additional space (in pixels) to add between this line and the line before it.

By default, lines are stacked vertically, one after another. You can use this property to add additional space between specific lines.


default: Panels.credits.alignment

Use this property to override the default text alignment on a per-line basis.


  • Panels.TextAlignment.LEFT
  • Panels.TextAlignment.CENTER
  • Panels.TextAlignment.RIGHT