Layer Animations

You can animate a layer’s position (x and y) and opacity over a specific amount of time, or based on the panel’s scroll position on screen. Use modifiers to control the animation speed, easing, and delay, set scroll or button triggers, and add syncronized sound effeccts.

Table of contents


Scroll-based animation

{ image = "cloud.png", x = 10, animate = {x = 200, y = -20} },

This layer will animate linearly from x:10, y:0 to x:200, y:-20 as the panel scrolls across the screen.

Since the animation progress is controlled by the panel scrolling, scrolling in reverse will cause the animation to run backward. Scroll-based animations work with manual or auto-scrolling sequences.

Time-based animation

{ image = "light.png", opacity = 0,
    animate = { opacity = 1, duration = 500, scrollTrigger = 0.5 }

This layer will animate from fully transparent (opacity:0) to fully opaque (opacity:1) over 500 milliseconds, starting when the panel reaches the 50% scroll point (scrollTrigger:0.5).

Animation triggered by button press

{ image = "door.png",
    animate = {
        x = -100,
        duration = 250,
        ease = playdate.easingFunctions.outQuint,
        trigger = Panels.Input.A

This layer will animate from the default position (x:0) to x:-100 over 250 milliseconds (with easing), starting when the user presses the A button.

Synced audio

{ image = "door.png",
   animate = {
       x = -100,
       duration = 1000,
       ease = playdate.easingFunctions.outQuint,
       trigger = Panels.Input.A,
       audio = { file = "doorOpen.wav" },

The doorOpen.wav sound effect will start playing when this animation is triggered. Synced sound effects work with both button- and scroll-triggered animations.

Animatable Properties


default: nil

The horizontal position to animate the layer to. The animation will start from the layer’s x property (or 0 if not set).


default: nil

The vertical position to animate the layer to. The animation will start from the layer’s y property (or 0 if not set).


default: nil

The opacity value to animate the layer to. The animation will start from the layer’s opacity property (or 1 if not set).

Values range from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).

Animation Modifiers


default: 0

Set a scroll value at which a time-based animation will be triggered. Scroll values go from 0 (just before the panel enters the screen) to 1 (just after the panel leaves the screen). A scroll trigger of 0.5 will trigger at the halfway point, which for a full-screen panel will be when the panel is fully centered on screen.


default: false

Set to true on a time-based animation to trigger the animation immediately when the panel enters the screen. This is equivalent to setting scrollTrigger = 0. Either is acceptable.


default: nil

Set a button press as the trigger for a time-based animation.

When using button triggers, be sure to coordinate with the panel’s advanceControl setting to prevent conflicts and skipped animations. Button triggers work best in auto-scrolling sequences, otherwise a user may scroll past this panel without triggering the animation. You could use this to your advantage to encourage exploraton and discovery of hidden items.


  • Panels.Input.UP
  • Panels.Input.RIGHT
  • Panels.Input.DOWN
  • Panels.Input.LEFT
  • Panels.Input.A
  • Panels.Input.B


default: nil

Set a series of button presses as the trigger for a time-based animation. This can be used to coordinate a series of sequential animations in a single panel.

{image = "light.png", opacity = 0,
    animate = { opacity = 1, trigger = Panels.Input.A }},
{image = "door.png",
    animate = { x = -100, triggerSequence = {Panels.Input.A, Panels.Input.B }}

This panel has two animated layers. The first is triggered by pressing the A button. The second is triggered by pressing the B button after pressing the A button, ensuring it always happens after the first animation.


default: 0

Set a delay (in milliseconds) between when a time-based animation is triggered and the start of the animation.


default: 250

The duration (in milliseconds) of a time-based animation.


default: playdate.easingFunctions.linear

The easing function to use for the layer’s animation.


default: nil

Set a sound effect to be triggered at the same time as the layer animation. A triggered sound will start playing after the layer animation’s delay times out (if set). You may further delay the sound using the delay property of the audio table.


  • file (string)
  • delay (integer)
  • loop (boolean)

Note: the file path should be relative to your comic’s audioFolder setting.

Exit Animations

Layers in an auto-scrolling sequence can define a separate exit animation that is triggered when the panel’s advance button is pressed. This allows you to have elements animate in when the panel appears, and animate out before the panel transitions off screen.

exit animations accept all the same properties as a normal animate effect.


This panel appears in an auto-scrolling sequence:

    advanceControl = Panels.Input.A,
    advanceDelay = 500, -- delay allows exit animation to complete before advancing
    layers = {
        { image = 'sequence1/hero', y = 240,
            animate = { 
                y = 0, 
                duration = 400, 
                scrollTrigger = 0,
                ease = playdate.easingFunctions.inOutQuint
            exit = { 
                y = 240, 
                duration = 500, 
                ease = playdate.easingFunctions.inQuad 

The hero layer will animate in from the bottom when the panel first appears on screen.

The panel auto-advances when the user presses the A button (via the advanceControl property). This also causes the exit animation to trigger, animating the hero back off the bottom of the screen. An advanceDelay setting keeps the panel on screen until the exit animation has had time to finish (500 ms).