Main Menu
Panels will create a main menu for your comic with “Start” / “Continue” / “Start Over” and “Chapters” options along with your custom menuImage
The default behavior is to show the main menu on first launch, but to go straight to the user’s current place in the comic on subsequent launches.
This behavior (and other options) can be customized by changing menu Settings.
Custom Menu Drawing
If you need to perform any dynamic drawing on top of your static menu image, you can use the mainMenuDrawingCallback
. This supplied callback function will be called in the update loop after your menu image is drawn.
The callback function will receive and animation value that represents the completion percentage of the menu fade in animation (from 0 - 1).
In this example, we’ll draw some text that shows the percentage of the game the user has completed at the top of the menu screen. This code goes in the main.lua
file, before calling Panels.start()
function drawPercentageIndicator(animationValue)
-- get the percentage of the game that has been completed
local percent = Panels.percentageComplete
if percent == 0 then return end
-- draw some text at the top of the menu screen
gfx.drawTextAligned(percent .. "% COMPLETE", 200, 4,
-- set the main menu drawing callback to the above function
Panels.mainMenuDrawingCallBack = drawPercentageIndicator
-- start the comic